Mischief clearly doesn’t want me to paint today…. Originally uploaded by AllisonStein I attempted to paint today. I have a large, fabulous desk. I have the paints, the brushes, the tools. I even have some inspiration and inclination. But I also have a furry assistant who refused to get out of the way. If you find cat hair in my paintings, consider it to be her personal contribution of a mixed media work of art.

The cats guilted me into opening a new bag of their “regular” food this morning. They apparently have no appreciation for the Science Diet anti-hairball kibble, and their pathetic little mews of “But mo-ommmm…. we don’t LIKE it and we don’t CARE if it’s good for us and we’re HUNGRY so put our REAL food in our bowl NOW!” finally pushed my buttons. They dove in and snarfed down the “regular” stuff as soon as it…

Snagged from a meme on dragonet2‘s blog: 1. Stop talking about politics for a moment or two. 2. Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS. 3. Include these instructions, and share the love. Mayhem’s Happy Place Originally uploaded by AllisonStein